Message from Adrienne Wilkinson About Xena/Venice Party!

Hey folks, here is a message from Adrienne about the upcoming (very last) Xena and Venice Party:

Hey all, So we’ve sold just over 1/2 of the Venice/Xena party tickets. Would love to have them all sold before Thanksgiving. To help with that, I’m willing to offer tickets on a payment schedule. Maximum of 3 payments. Contact fan


  • A few guests announced already (Zoe Bell, Crystal Chappell and Annika Noelle….and more to come!)

**Also – I’m making 4 of our tickets available for free….if you have proof you donated $250 to #Sandy recovery/relief via redcross, humane society etc. I know there are a lot of causes for everyone to support and if you’ve already given funds towards #Sandy and would like to attend the party, let me know….I would love for you to join our event.

Message from Adrienne: Adrienne Wilkinson Needs Your Help! June 2012

Received the following note from Adrienne Wilkinson regarding her From The Mouths of Babes Video Series:

Hey All,

From The Mouths of Babes   is looking for help from YOU!  We need help spreading the word about our celebrity interviews to various fan communities.  Are you part of the fandom for Buffy, Angel, Smallville, Star Trek, Star Wars, Rent, Stargate, horror movies, general sci-fi fandoms or any soap operas?      If you are interested in helping out – please email

For more information, check out our links:

Youtube Channel:   (visit the channel to see all of the videos)

#FromTheMOB trailer:

Official site:

Adrienne’s New Interview Series on YouTube

Adrienne sent over some interesting news regarding a new project she is working on.

Renee is part of a group of people (mainly actors) which makes up the trailer for Adrienne Wilkinson’s new Interview project she’s trying to do. They hope to launch a site in the next few months and hope to have their youtube channel up and running with a lot of content much sooner.



Adrienne Wilkinson Limited Edition Items – Adrienne on Venice


The following is from Adrienne to help raise money for her charity. If you haven’t heard yet, Adrienne is also in Venice Season 2. Check these out!

From now until September, buy 2 autographs and get one free!

Most of the proceeds from this shop goes toward Adrienne’s annual charity, with a small portion used for maintaining the official site. All item prices include shipping.

For those wishing to donate to the family Adrienne is helping this year, please use the donation button below. All proceeds from the donations go directly to the family. For more information on the annual charity, visit the Charity page.

Click here to view and purchase