Xenite Con III Article Tele 7 Journal 6 October 2014

Image635484755004618234This is translated from French (and it may not be 100% accurate in the translation from French to English) – if you are a French speaker and can see the errors please contact MaryD to correct the translation:

Née aux États-Unis, la mode des conventions arrive en France. Quand les stars du petit écran viennent à la rencontre de leurs fans… Les 25 et 26 octobre, si vous croisez dans Paris des jeunes filles court vêtues, brandissant un glaive, ne vous inquiétez pas. Il s’agit tout simplement de la troisième édition de la Xenite Con’, une convention dédiée à la série Xena. Cette année encore, de nombreux fans français devraient être au rendez-vous pour rencontrer la star de la série, Lucy Lawless, et quatre autres actrices : Renée O’Connor, Hudson Leick, Alexandra Tydings et Adrienne Wilkinson. Au programme, conférences, séances photos, autographes avec les actrices…

130 000 fans chaque été à San Diego

Ce genre de salon est né aux États-Unis, notamment grâce à la science-fiction. Lors des conventions Star Trek, par exemple, la règle veut que les fans arborent les costumes de la série. Le Comic-Con, à San Diego, est d’ailleurs considéré comme la convention à ne pas rater, où quelque 130 000 fans se réunissent tous les étés. Acteurs de films et de séries, auteurs de comic books sont présents durant quatre jours pour cette grand-messe de la pop culture (photo). En France, les conventions commencent à se multiplier. Après Xena, Game of Thrones sera à l’honneur avec WinterFall, qui se tiendra à Paris les 13 et 14 décembre prochains, en présence de Jack Gleeson, l’inénarrable Joffrey Baratheon, et Iain Glen, l’interprète de Jorah Mormont. Il faudra cependant casser sa tirelire avant de passer deux jours avec les héros de ses séries préférées. Les forfaits s’achètent entre 60 et 500 euros ! Les autographes, photoshoots et rencontres privilégiées sont en supplément, les tarifs évoluant en fonction de la notoriété de la star choisie. Pour 30 minutes partagées avec une dizaine de fans en compagnie de Lucy Lawless, il faudra débourser pas moins de 150 € de plus. Mais, quand on aime, on ne compte pas ! Émilie Semiramoth


This is translated from French (and it may not be 100% accurate in the translation from French to English) – if you are a French speaker and can see the errors please contact MaryD to correct the translation

Born in the United States, the mode of the conventions arrives in France. When the stars of the small screen come to meet their fans… On 25 and 26 October, if you cross in Paris of girls short clad, wielding a sword, don’t worry. It is simply the third edition of the Xenite Con’, a convention dedicated to the Xena series. Again this year, many french fans should be the venue to meet the star of the series, Lucy Lawless, and four other actresses: Renee O’Connor, Hudson Leick, Alexandra Tydings and Adrienne Wilkinson. In the program, conferences, photo, autograph with actresses 130,000 fans each summer at San Diego Ce kind of salon was born in the United States, including through science fiction. At Star Trek conventions, for example, the rule is that fans wear the costumes for the series. The Comic-Con, San Diego, is also considered as the convention not to be missed, where some 130,000 fans gather every summer. Actors of movies and series, authors of comic books are present for four days for this mass of pop culture (photo). In France, the conventions begin to multiply. After Xena, Game of Thrones will be honored with WinterFall, being held in Paris on 13 and 14 December, in the presence of Jack Gleeson, the hilarious Joffrey Baratheon, and Iain Glen, the interpreter of Jani Mormont. It should, however, breaking its bank before spending two days with the hero of his favorite series. Plans to buy between 60 and 500 euros! The autographs, photoshoots and preferred meetings are in addition, tariffs evolving based on the notoriety of the chosen star. For 30 minutes shared with a dozen fans in the company of Lucy Lawless, it will cost no less than €150 more. But, when one loves, one does not count! Émilie Semiramoth an entrance fee that can go up to 500 euros

AUSXIP Interviews Adrienne Wilkinson: Actress, Blogger, Charity Worker, All Round Cool Chick

Image635477958961162929One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson

Actress, Blogger, Charity Worker, All Round Cool Chick

Interviewed by: Rosa Lambros
October 2014 Interview (Interviewed in August 2014)

In this month’s AUSXIP Interview we take the time to catch up with Adrienne Wilkinson. Adrienne is no stranger to us here at AUSXIP. We host the Official Adrienne Wilkinson Fan Site and we have interviewed Adrienne on a number of occasions (see below the interview for the links to previous interviews). Adrienne has graciously agreed to update us on what she has been up to since our last interview in 2008. A lot has happened since then in Adrienne’s very busy life in front and behind the camera.

Read the interview

TAEM Interview with Actress Adrienne Wilkinson

Image635475696077752062TAEM- The Arts and Entertainment Magazine is very honored to present a most talented, beautiful, and well known actress to all our readers. Since 1996 she has appeared in films and television shows and has more than sixty-five credits toward her acting career. She has also been a producer, director, and writer and has contributed to a soundtrack to her long list of achievements as well.

   This well known personality is actress Adrienne Wilkinson whose name is well known throughout Hollywood and the television industry. Adrienne, what made you choose acting as your career and what training did you undertake to achieve such a resounding success ?


Read the interview with Adrienne

New Series for Adrienne: Nobility


Adrienne is set to play a bad girl again! Adrienne plays the role of Lt. Ara Eris. The official site describes her as “Nobility’s Major Villains”

You can now follow news related to the show (and in particular Adrienne and her character) on the AUSXIP Adrienne Wilkinson Nobility The Series Subsite


The show will be available through YouTube / Vimeo by subscription. The official site says:

“Nobility” will initially be released through online sources (Ex. YouTube or Vimeo) where ad revenue will be available. Once the first two seasons have been aired, they will be packaged as a single feature-length movie and distributed on DVD/Blu-ray with extras such as the supplemental videos, deleted scenes, extended scenes, and C.A.S. Nobility shenanigans. This feature-length product will be sold in stores and online in both digital and physical format.



What is This Show About?

In the 700 years it took for mankind to spread across this arm of the galaxy, Earth became the capital world for all humanity– well, as much as any world could claim to be the capital. As new cultures formed, new alliances emerged, new races developed, and new hostilities were born. This meant the central government – the Confederate Alliance – was left in a situation we all know, one in which regional and national governments fought for sovereignty and undermined the central government’s legitimacy by any means necessary.

Some cultures even retreated from humanity entirely only to be rediscovered down the line. Such is the case with the Eujin people, a culture based on principles of genetic purity and directed evolution through selective breeding. They view it as their divine mission to convert humanity to their ways and move the species toward a higher stage of evolution. When the Eujin people are rediscovered, they join the nearly defunct Confederate Alliance with the hope of serving this cause.

Some decades later, desperate to show it has something to offer, the Confederate Alliance decides to showcase the most powerful ship in all of Earthdom, the C.A.S. Nobility, capable of dispatching any enemy or answering any distress call. Ordering the ship to be the subject of a documentary, the higher-ups have no idea that the crew of the Nobility is, well, less than noble.

Not wanting to miss an opportunity, the Eujin people lobby for one of their own to be stationed on the ship to show all of humanity the worthiness of the Eujin cause. This honor falls upon Sirius Halud, a true believer. He’s assigned as weapons and Eujin liaison officer and expects to find the best humanity has to offer on board the Nobility.

Sirius is mortified when he meets the crew. Instead of the pinnacle of humanity he finds the apathetic Captain Cern sleeping with numerous crew members, the closeted navigator, Bob Takashima, desperate to prove he’s straight, the disgruntled alcoholic engineer, Mooney, who has a penchant for throwing wrenches at crewmen, and the condescending hard ass that is First Officer Pikeman who’d deck the Captain if he made a move on her. When he has to choose between the disorderly bunch that are the crew he’s supposed to defend and his own people, Sirius’ loyalties become a subject of debate.


Click here to find out more about Nobility

Video: AUSXIP Interviews Adrienne Wilkinson 23 June 2007

AUSXIP reporter Christa interviewed Adrienne on 23 June 2007 in Los Angeles. This interview is quiet lengthy and so interesting. Adrienne talks about her career choices, living in Hollywood, being a voiceover actress, her new Star Wars role, Xena and her thoughts on working in New Zealand, working with Lucy, Renee, Kevin Smith and much more.


Part 10 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007
Posted on: 23rd June 2007

Part 10 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007

Part 10 of 10: Final clip – Adrienne talks about the impact Xena has had on her life and the new fans that are just finding the show. Adrienne also talks about her new project where she will be singing the new title song and acting in an upcoming movie called Reflections.


Part 9 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007
Posted on: 23rd June 2007

Part 9 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007

Part 9 of 10Â Adrienne talks about the Xena fans and their loyalty, her first convention and the support fans have given her so many years after the show has ended.



Part 8 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007
Posted on: 23rd June 2007

Part 8 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007

Part 8 of 10:Â Adrienne talks about Kevin Smith and her memories of the man and the actor. Also talks about working in New Zealand and how different it is.



Part 7 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007
Posted on: 23rd June 2007

Part 7 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007

Part 7 of 10:Â Continues Adrienne’s thoughts on Xena and also working with Michael Hurst as the director and what she learnt from him.



Part 6 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007
Posted on: 23rd June 2007

Part 6 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007

Part 6 of 10:Â Adrienne talks about Xena, working in New Zealand and her thoughts about life on the set with Lucy Lawless and Renee O’Connor.



Part 5 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007
Posted on: 23rd June 2007

Part 5 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007

Part 5 of 10:Â Adrienne talks about working on Charmed and the various stunts she performed on ER. AUSXIP reporter Christa interviewed Adrienne on 23 June 2007 in Los Angeles. This interview is quiet lengthy and so interesting. Adrienne talks about her career choices, living in Hollywood, being a voiceover actress, her new Star Wars role, […]


Part 4 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007
Posted on: 23rd June 2007

Part 4 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007

Part 4 of 10: Adrienne talks about her new role in the new Star Wars game and what that was like to be involved in the Star Wars universe.



Part 3 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007
Posted on: 23rd June 2007

Part 3 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007

Part 3 of 10: Adrienne talks about “The Closer” the play she produced and what that involved in being a producer and how different that was to acting. She also talks about doing voice over work.



Part 2 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007
Posted on: 23rd June 2007

Part 2 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007

Part 2 of 10Â Adrienne talks about her acting mentor and the acting profession and roles she would have loved to have done and also her favourite actors. AUSXIP reporter Christa interviewed Adrienne on 23 June 2007 in Los Angeles. This interview is quiet lengthy and so interesting. Adrienne talks about her career choices, living in […]


Part 1 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007
Posted on: 23rd June 2007

Part 1 of 10 One on One with Adrienne Wilkinson – AUSXIP Interviews 23 June 2007

Clip 1 of 10: Â Adrienne talks about her childhood and her acting efforts after moving to Hollywood to start her career. AUSXIP reporter Christa interviewed Adrienne on 23 June 2007 in Los Angeles. This interview is quiet lengthy and so interesting. Adrienne talks about her career choices, living in Hollywood, being a voiceover actress, her […]